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Special Needs Estate and Trust Planning Beyond the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Age 22

Caregivers who want to plan for the financial future of their adult dependent over the age of twenty-two who has special needs often have different issues to consider than caregivers of younger dependents. More...

Top 10 Estate and Trust Mistakes Caregivers of Dependents with Special Needs May Make When Planning

Great tips to help you avoid common mistakes when it come to special neeeds estate and trust planning. More...

Grandparents: Estate and Trust Tips for Planning for Your Grandchildren with Special Needs

Grandparents want the best for their grandchildren and often give gifts while alive, or make provisions for their loved ones for after they are deceased. Here is a brief summary of some Do's and Don'ts when planning for your loved one with special needs. More...

Impact of a Newly-Elected President on Estate Planning

It may be good to consider any changes that may take place under the new presidential rule and talk to professionals to consider gifting, etc. that may help reduce your estate tax obligations. More...

Take These Three Special Needs Trust and Estate Steps When Your Child Turns 18

If your child has reached the teenage years, you may already feel as though you are losing control of her life. This is legally true once your child reaches the age of 18 because then the state considers your child to be an adult with the legal right to govern his or her own life. It is important to plan for the unexpected and for your child to set up an estate plan that at least includes the following three crucial components. More...

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